Educational Membership
WEOG student & educators membership is for female students and educators currently studying or teaching courses related to the EOG industry or those who desires to work in the EOG industry post study.
This level of membership shall give students and
educators access to industry resources, events specially designed for students, networking opportunities, etc.

Benefits Include:
- Access to discounts / free attendance at WEOG events throughout the year
- Access to student member events
- Invitation to exclusive student member only events
- Access to network of industry professionals
- Search, Network and connect with other WEOG members
- Conference and workshop discounts or free attendance
- Support for job interviews post education placements
- Recommendations and Endorsements
- Opportunity to develop new skills such as problem solving and good communication
- Opportunities for internship and volunteering
- Nomination for national & global awards- educational categories
- Mentorship opportunities
- Many More