Professional Membership
The Professional membership is for women who would like to work within the oil and gas industry or women who are already working within the oil and gas industry.
It’s a great way to network with people in the industry, stay up to date with current news and have access to industry related resources and media articles.
It also a great way to attend industry events with people in desired fields.

Benefits Include:
- Access to discounts at WEOG events throughout the year
- Invitation to exclusive member only events
- Access to network of industry professionals
- Access to special resources for members
- Opportunity for Speaking engagements
- Online member profiling in the members directory
- Search and connect with other WEOG members
- Conference and workshop discounts
- Access to other key networking events throughout
- the year based on WEOG’s partnerships
- Support for interviews
- Nomination for national and global awards
- Opportunity for mentorship
- Recommendations and Endorsements
- Many More